Wednesday, May 01, 2024

The Shape of Poems to Come

 I post this here as a screenshot because I haven’t figured out how to get the footnotes to display correctly yet. But anyway this poem is a sonnet now. I’m counting the footnotes as part of the poem even though I have other sonnets with footnotes where I don’t count them as part of the sonnet itself. Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Once Again From The Top


towards a freer jazz with ashes buried under some trees by a ¿dead? cat in a different key

why do we hush to enter

what are not shrugs 

or hugs but still mostly full

of sharp edged petals

shielding colorful fruit

which could perhaps function 

—”beloved”—as chromatic points 

in the pentatonics

of The Black Raspberries,

long known to evolve

into a longing to grasp

and risk a crimson pinch 

while not knowing

if a light note later

the hidden position 

of a thorn section

might tincture i 

or for a time lapse into

some conjugation 

of tidal desire dug by Kearney

from a Pointillist tone poem 

of a pond which seems

tailored on the edges by Cécile

or Nate or Cecil pleating 

secret theories of jazz 

we once tried to retrofit

from “Le Front Cache

or even the knees 

of a more natural 

man or woman, yet 

keep modeling or yodeling 

beyond the velocity

of wavy phrases

or Harriet sleepily mulling

over a syntax of velvet

deities which Apophenia—

our anthemic diva—

dreams to bray or splay

how bananas it is

that they’re berries

into elaborate diagrams

or collapsed reasons

for Drunken Gardens

but maybe just fell or felt 

like a trio of Autumn Leaves

to shade in or abrade out 

these parakeet feeling

seeking to query 

what appears to change 

or even changes to appear 

as we aim to measure 

some berried desire

with its green silence 

bladed nearly to the point 

of a sound science?

Friday, April 12, 2024

Another poem that’s not about my inner emotions


might also be 

without pain

or be read

in a different way

to about half

the population

what does it mean

to deal with this

only once

every blue moon?

Thursday, April 04, 2024

National Poetry Month 2024

 Y’all already know what it is—30 poems in 30 days. Per usual it’s going to be mostly haiku & senryu. 

drip by drip

through the saline bag

blare of sunrise

the trinity

a three body problem

rock paper scissors


an offering of clementines

and rum


a bottle of sunshine

on the sill

“The Dead Lilacs”

had just one decent album

Eliot (maybe)


(for Mary Ruefle)

most people (even Libras)

seem to be born 

with 32 crayons

each bone white

they only call them teeth

most fish have teeth too

on the inside & out

with a molar of prism music 

some call grey scales

and if G Dorian 

grates like Earl Grey

one could resolve to call this

a gnash equilibrium

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Little song for big John



“But what is this universe the [portrait] of 

As it veers in and out, back and forth, 

Refusing to surround us and still the only

Thing we can see? [Epiphany] once 

Tipped the scales but now is shadowed, invisible,

Though mysteriously present, around somewhere.

But we know it cannot be sandwiched 

Between two adjacent moments, that its windings 

Lead nowhere except to further tributaries 

And that these empty themselves into a vague 

Sense of something that can never be known 

Even though it seems likely that each of us 

Knows what it is and is capable of 

Communicating it to the other.”

Monday, February 12, 2024

You Already Know


“Didn’t I tell you what I believe,

didn’t I say that . . .”


Ifemi, how many REM cycles 

since your love leaped 

the ravine of No Return

to open me as a sommelier

would a wine bottle,

since the bright crescents

of my nails waxed across

the black sky of your back,

since the saxophone

signaled tomorrow?

Learnèd astrologer

I found your love

amidst a constellation

of mercurial lips

glossy enough

to lapse all logic,

& unlike logic

you bid me crave

the crow-colored tresses

of what many pray

to be saved from.

Freckled cheeks of Jesus,

who can tell how many

calligraphic kisses

could be needed to spell 

or dispel what butterflies

write in rooms filled

with strawberry irises. 

It’s been written

—sense the saxophone

signal’s sorrow,

a fool for roses

is a fool for rain—

but how to uproot

the twin legends

of your legs

blooming into heels

stiletto enough

to fell a forest entire?

Ifemi, I found your love

both freed and fried 

as the symbols inside

a theorem derived 

from four types of feral.

Yet not symbols & not derived. 

Scents the saxophone

signals borrowed—

let’s not wrestle

with how you left me

or the difference between

a half wound and what

wound up happening.

Or what it could mean

to remain untethered

by an ankle tattoo’s

brassy passion 

for adinkra charms

and police bracelets.

Perhaps I hummed

the wrong songs

with the right lyrics

or the right songs

with the wrong lyrics,

but how many dawns

found your love

hung over the railing

of Old Crow moans

or sizzling unstrung

between a first flame of bud

& one last good buy?

And how many more

need spot me flitting

like a Leopard moth

around a porch light,

turning to unlock

a mystery like magnetism

with keys hidden under

the tea rose carpet

of another woman’s tongue?